Yadda Ake Gane Kwanciyar Jariri A Cikin Mahaifa

A lokacin ɗaukar ciki, kwanciyar jariri a cikin mahaifa yana taka muhimmiyar rawa wajen sauƙaƙe haihuwa. A mafi yawan lokuta, jarirai suna j...

Best Foods That Lower Your High Blood Pressure Naturally Without Taking Medication

One of the most important things that you can do to live longer and to avoid heart disease, strokes, or kidney disease is to maintain a norm...

Yadda Ake Gwajin Ciki A Gida: Wane Lokaci Ya Kamata Mace Tayi Gwajin Ciki Na Fitsari Da Tsinke?

Saboda yadda naga da dama mata na yawaita tambayar yaushe ne ya kamata mace tayi gwajin ciki da kuma yadda ake gwajin ciki da tsinke (PT Str...

Fat Burners: Foods That Will Help You Loose Weight for Free

Fat-free salad dressings, low-fat yogurts, and other boring diet foods, they can actually make it harder for you to lose weight. They are no...

Ovarian Reserve Tests: How to Know Number of Eggs Left in Your Ovary?

Doctor, I'm not ready for marriage and family now. I have other priorities. I want to know my options. Doctor, I've been trying to g...